Two Roses, Photo Credit: Nelli Valova, Dreamstime.com
A couple of weeks have passed since I’ve worked on the new novel. Reading stories with multiple timelines has been liberating — and fun. Working my way into using dual timelines has been difficult, but I’m there now. Angst is behind me and it’s now time to return pen to paper or — most likely for me — fingers to keys.
Though it has not been related to the story, I have written every day. It’s gotten me out onto the Writing road again. After hiding so long with my back turned and eyes closed, it’s great to be out in the cool, crisp, breezy autumn air. Now I’m refreshed, rejuvenated, and ready to restle wrestle the words onto the page.
I’m probably rusty, but that’s okay – this is only the first draft. I needed the time away after I discovered what my heroine’s story should be. I was too washed out to go back and fix what I had written so far.
Yet again, I’m drawing on my love of the dance. I’ve a more complex choreography this time: the hero and heroine each have their stories – now and in the past. I’ve committed to this novel, and I’m sure I will learn a lot along the way. As always, I’ll share on my blog.
Happy writing/reading y’all!