
Singing Bird in Cage, PHOTO CREDIT: Pzaxe,

Choices define us. They direct the paths we build on our journeys through life. Even if the choices of others affect us, we still choose our reaction to those choices.

Imagine then, that someone makes a deliberate choice to covertly shape our lives. That choice, unbeknownst to us, constrains all of our future choices. We are so bound by that choice, that none of our own choices can now alter the course we are on. Years go by. Loved ones die. Time lost, lives lost – and we’re stuck in an alternative reality that we didn’t choose; caged by boundaries that we may not even be aware of. Scary isn’t it?

That’s what happens to the heroine in the story I’m now writing. Someone makes such a choice for her. Imagine how she feels when she finds out. What will she do? A hint – think time bomb. And it’s ticking…


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