The mirror never lies. Every line and wrinkle; each tiny, barely visible fault is mercilessly and exactly reproduced in the reflection. It’s enough to drive a person to insanity. Janelle […]More
Some of the characters from my first book are rattling around in my brain clamoring for novels of their own. Unbidden, thoughts for a fantasy trilogy series have popped into […]More
Madame Marchand is, everyone agrees, a timeless, ageless beauty. There are many rumors, but no one really knows how she does it. I’ve been picked to find out. The party […]More
The world from up there is very different. I took one last look at the high-rise and my former penthouse condo at almost its very top. And then I turned […]More
Lately, I’ve been visited by writing prompts. The one for last week inspired Beauty Secret. The one for this week inspired Meme’s Lesson, which I’m sharing with you below. Enjoy! […]More