Just into my forties, mid-career; hotly pursued by footsteps. Closer, closer. Soon they’ll be upon me. Ascending the pyramid, I’m approaching the top. The climbing gets harder. Vertical musical chairs. Only […]More
Photo Credit: John Alphonse, Dreamstime.com Gasp. Puff. Need more air. Huff. Blow. Nose open. Mouth open. Still…need…more. Keep going. Got to go forward. Always forward. Looked up at the […]More
Time is the friend who heals all things. Or the enemy who dries them to dust. Time flies, marches on, drags or stands still; each tick answered by the tock […]More
The I’s have it: Imagination sparks ideas; inciting invention, or at least innovation. Ingenuity, once inflamed, illuminates the way toward the next, higher iteration of inspiration. A spiraling interval, rarely […]More
It’s the first of March. Rainy, foggy – the typical San Joaquin/Sacramento Valley spring. I love this blusey time of year – except for the ‘tully fog’. It can spring […]More
Another of my bait-and-switch posts – not that kind of pot. 😀 Nor am I referring to our modern cooking pots. The pots I truly love are those that were made over the […]More
Each of us sees life through an emotional prism. The light refracted through it colors our every thought and act. It may be that some of the colors are of pain. It may […]More
A professional boxer is popularly considered to have hands that are deadly weapons. Saying “I have a broken heart” is akin to climbing into the ring with one, being […]More
Change is inevitable. Change is unavoidable. It is our collective past choices that determine the direction and result of change. Those collective choices put some of us square in the […]More
My original title for this essay was ‘Ruminations From the Parent of a TechnoKid’. Awful title – glad I changed it. The ‘TechnoKid’, or L, is my preteen. She’s […]More
When nations inspire hatred in other nations, innocents get caught in the crossfire. Do not despair. We have a place of safety and it is called Sanctuary. When leaders protect […]More
I’ve had it with distracted drivers. Too many folks are texting, putting on makeup, even eating while behind the wheel. Crawling along crowded streets. Racing down freeways. Dragging the rest […]More
Vestiges of footsteps. Not always easy to discern. Mostly ephemeral; sometimes, as in concrete, impossible to remove. A footstep may take one back to what was, on to what will […]More
Seeing as how I’m an La. girl, you’re probably wondering why any reference to the Super Bowl is conspicuously absent. That’s because the party’s been on since Sunday. But now […]More
Fathers and Mothers; Children, Friends and Lovers; we all deserve to live in love. Love is strength and passion; gentleness and mercy. It takes the best in each of us […]More
Stuff happens. Sometimes it’s bad stuff. Sometimes it’s bad stuff we bring upon ourselves. Mistakes. We all make them. But each of us responds to them differently. I hate making […]More